MPT Series Emulator

StudioE is the hardware emulator for Nexeya's MPT 2 & CTX electrical interconnect test equipment family of products.
StudioE enables engineers, technicians and operators to develop, validate and verify test programs without the need to connect to actual test hardware.
Test Programs are deployed to the actual test hardware only when ready for production thus minimizing production interruptions and downtime.
Begin able to develop, validate and debug Test Programs outside the Test Equipment Environment saves time and money.

Stand alone, does not require actual MPT 2 & CTX hardware for test development and validation.
Simple to use – plug n play.
Keeps MPT 2 & CTX hardware working on test & production generating product and revenue while engineers, technicians and operators can work on test programs independent of the production environment.
Enables multiple engineers, technicians and operators to work simultaneously on test development and validation without the need for expensive interconnect hardware.
Syntax Checks
Allows compiler to check for syntax errors and notifies the user with a description of the fault
Load & Run Test Programs
Allows the user to load compiled or non-compile test programs to:
Validate test parameters
Review test script sequences and test branching
Review user inputs: messages, prompts, menus
Develop and review custom reporting
Look & Feel Check
Ensure the test program looks and feels as the programmer intended
StudioE utilizes the same MPT Studio environment (editor, operator and programmer HMI) as the actual Test Equipment
Connection via Ethernet Cable
Powered by USB